JUKO på svenka
Förhandlingsorganisationen för offentliga sektorns utbildade FOSU rf
Varför kollektivavtalsförhandlingar?
Förhandlingsorganisationen för offentliga sektorns utbildade FOSU rf representerar 200 000 arbetstagare i Akava genom sina kollektivavtal. Vi kommer överens om anställningsvillkoren i kommunerna, staten, socialvårdssektorn, universiteten, kyrkorna och Avainta-branscherna samt i Nationalgalleriet och Arbetshälsoinstitutet.
JUKO in English
Negotiation Organisation for Public Sector Professionals
Why do collective agreement negotiations happen?
The collective agreement provides qualitative and monetarily defined benefits. Negotiations typically discuss the qualitative goals and their possible cost impacts first, before turning to agreement on salaries in the final stage.
JUKO, the Negotiation Organization for Public Sector Professionals, negotiates collective agreements on behalf of, and thus represents, 200,000 members of Akava member unions. We bargain collectively on behalf of employees and officials of the municipalities, the state, social services and healthcare, the universities, the church, Avainta sectors*, as well as in the National Gallery and the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health.
*Private companies and foundations operating under the aegis of municipalities, as well as private service providers for the municipalities.